What is the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal Order and how does it affect me?

We suggest that you begin by downloading a copy of the ‘Complying With The RSRT Information Sheet’, available by clicking here.  You should also visit the Fairwork Ombudsman information page by clicking here.

Below are links to emails that NatRoad have sent out to date covering the Order which may be of use:

  • Will the RSRT Contractor Driver Minimum Payments Order affect your business? – http://eepurl.com/bRXifr
  • What effect will the Contractor Driver Minimum Payments Order have on your business?  – http://eepurl.com/bOY8wD
  • Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal – Contractor Driver Minimum Payments Order Update – http://eepurl.com/bSas9D
  • Will the implementation of the Contractor Driver Minimum Payments Order mean the demise of the owner driver sector of the transport industry? – http://eepurl.com/bQ7Bbb
What is the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal Order and how does it affect me?

A Calculator is available to assist businesses to determine what the charge rate is under The Contractor Driver Minimum Payments Order.  Please visit this link to understand what the charge out rate is for your particular business/vehicle/activity   http://eepurl.com/bSRdRH

A ‘Frequently asked Questions’ page has also been setup on the NatRoad website and is available here.


Petitioning Against the Order

The RSRT Order NatRoad has started a petition to keep Australia’s small, family run truckers on the road. They will be appealing to the Federal Government to support the implementation date of the Contractor Driver Minimum Payments Order being delayed for a period of 6 months. To show your support, please click here.

Since the announcement of the Order in Dec 2015, NatRoad has been meeting with relevant government ministers attempting to have this order delayed or revoked. The consistent advice they are receiving is that the RSRT is an independent tribunal and can only be influenced by direct submissions to the tribunal. NatRoad urge you to send a brief submission by email to inquiries@rsrt.gov.au. Your submission should be brief and express in your words the concerns you may have with the Order.

Things to consider raising are:

  1. Your inability to determine if you are a contractor driver.
  2. Your inability to determine which rate you should be paid.
  3. Confusion as a transport operator on what you have to do.
  4. Concerns on your ability to secure work at RSRT order rates.
  5. Confusion on how you complying to the Order.

The RSRT are holding a hearing and NatRoad are strongly urging affected businesses to consider attending this hearing.

In addition NatRoad have developed a template letter to be sent to your local Member of Parliament. To download a copy of the template letter, please click here.